DRIVEtheARC’s goal is to contribute to promotion of renewable energy and reduction of CO2.

DRIVEtheARC is a collaborative demonstration project between Japan, the US, and State of California that will encourage electric vehicle (EV) use and help California meet higher energy and environmental standards through expansion of an inter-city charging network and real-time information services.
ARC stands for “Advanced Recharging Corridor”, and also reflects the project route shape on the map: Monterey to Lake Tahoe. Project partners hope the charging stations help EV drivers reach their destinations, allowing them to “drive the ARC” - surf-to-ski, emission-free.
Project Aims
Encourage EV uptake and use through efficient public charging station deployment that connects major points of interest in northern California, and by providing real-time charger and vehicle information services for EV drivers.
Project Components
Deployment of public fast charging stations along a popular driving route in northern California, and provision of real-time information services to EV drivers.
Analysis of EV driver behavior before and after completion of the fast charger corridor.
Evaluation of the business potential of inter-city charging networks and EV real-time information services.
Project Funding
As part of its mission to improve energy conservation and promote new energy technologies, Japan’s largest public research and development management organization - New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) - is funding “DRIVEtheARC” project.
Based on US-Japan technical collaboration agreement in Nov., 2009, in the area of clean energy, and collaboration agreement between California-Japan in Jul., 2014, in the area of climate change, vehicles, etc., NEDO and California State Government signed MOU in Sep., 2015 to launch this project. California State Government agrees to jointly promote the project with NEDO.
Project Locations
- The US is recognized as one of the largest markets for plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) and regarded as the capitol of PEVs.
- The State of California represents approximately 40% of PEV sales in the entire US, with a variety of PEV cars from many different auto manufacturers.
- Northern California has many major points of interest within a weekend trip’s distance from the Bay Area/Sacramento, but no inter-city charging network had been established yet.
- DRIVEtheARC project partners see a big opportunity in Northern California to enhance EV travel to destinations of interest through enhanced inter-city charging network deployment.
Project Actions
- Create a dense public charging network across Northern California.
- Stimulate local economies through tourism enhancement.
- Enable California to become more energy efficient and environmentally friendly by encouraging and supporting more EV driving.
- Strengthen government relations and knowledge exchange between the US and Japan.
- Create a business model that can be applied to other cities in the US and beyond.
Find out more about DRIVEtheARC’s charging locations used to pioneer the electrification of California’s key corridors.

"RNOB3050DC2" at "Aisle 1 Fuel Station South Lake Tahoe #177" is currently unavailable due to a malfunction.
"NCAB4980DC1" at "Lucky San Jose #759" is currently unavailable due to a malfunction.
How to Use
Please refer to the following for operation method.
Easy Charge Activation
EV drivers can conveniently access the DRIVEtheARC stations using a variety of payment methods and membership cards. The chargers can be activated using credit cards, EVgo Access Cards, EZ-Charge Cards and the DRIVEtheARC Smartphone App*.

Overview of the DRIVEtheARC App
DRIVEtheARC App is specially designed for the DRIVEtheARC stations.
It navigates you to the optimal stations depending on your EV’s cruising range and the EV station status. Other features such as free charge for CHAdeMO, stats, EV station charger status monitoring, voice recognition are also available. To learn more about the DRIVEtheARC App download the app operation manual here for more information. Instructional video available here NissanConnect Data Link Service will be available in the near future.
It navigates you to the optimal stations depending on your EV’s cruising range and the EV station status. Other features such as free charge for CHAdeMO, stats, EV station charger status monitoring, voice recognition are also available. To learn more about the DRIVEtheARC App download the app operation manual here for more information. Instructional video available here NissanConnect Data Link Service will be available in the near future.

Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs on DRIVEtheARC Charging Station and Smartphone App.